A man from Rukungiri who is grappling with a condition known as keloid s urgently seeking financial assistance from the public and government to the tune of 14 million Ugandan shillings for a surgery abroad.
The individual in question is Byamugisha Moses, a resident of Nyabihinga cell in the Kyatoko ward, Eastern division of Rukungiri municipality. He has been struggling with this unusual disease since he was 18 years old.
Moses, who is now 43, has been through a lot in his quest for treatment. He attempted to sell some of his property to cover medical expenses, which eventually led to his wife divorcing him. However, his health has not improved, despite having spent a substantial amount of money. He initially sought treatment at Kirudu Specialized Hospital in 2008 and later at Bombo Military Hospital in 2017. Unfortunately, neither of these efforts yielded the desired results.
Kamwaka Robert, a local resident, has taken the initiative to launch a fundraising campaign to secure the necessary funds for Moses’s treatment. The hope is to garner support from both the general public and government officials to assist this struggling individual.
Moses Byamugisha is the sole breadwinner for his family, which includes two children, one of whom is about to join university. At present, the family is uncertain about how they will manage the school fees.
If you wish to offer assistance to Moses Byamugisha, you can contact him at +2567824136610 or make a contribution to his Centenary Bank Account, Account Number 3203347099, under his name.
A keloid scar is a thick raised scar. It can occur wherever you have a skin injury but usually forms on earlobes, shoulders, cheeks or the chest. If you’re prone to developing keloids, you might get them in more than one place. A keloid scar isn’t harmful to your physical health, but it can cause emotional distress.