The security operatives in Rukungiri district hvae arrested 4 workers of MUPA construction company whose contract was terminated after he delayed the completion of Kebisoni seed school even after several extensions. 

The arrest of these workers came after a new contractor Kinobe Nyaruzinga construction company arrived with materials at the site ready to resume the completion of the seed school but unfortunately also the workers of the terminated contractor were found at the site busy working.

Patrick Rubagansira the village chairperson of Katenga cell in Nyibingo parish Kebisoni sub-county where the seed school is located told our reporter that he was informed to come and evidence the second contractor as he was starting up the work but he was shocked to find two contractors at the site.

He said the district officials and the security should intervene and sort the issues because some bloodshed may occur if not worked out in time.

Goddfrey Nshabiire the director of Kinobe Nyaruzinga Construction company which was awarded a contract to complete Kebisoni seed school said it’s insecure for two contractors to work at the same site adding that district officials should sort it out.

He said he has already delivered materials and is ready to complete the work in six months as he promised while receiving the contract.

According to the Rukungiri resident district commissioner Stephen Nsubunga Bewayo the Rukungiri district Local government was forced to seek guidance from the Solicitor General about the delayed project completion who told them to give the work to the new contractor.

 According to the letter dated 24 th April the Rukungiri district chief administrative officer wrote to the contractor informing him about his contract’s termination.

He said that MUPA contractor workers were arrested because they were illegally doing construction work at the site that was handed over to another contractor.

According to the first contractor, he has not yet received any formal letter informing him about contract termination.


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