The Kabale District Kadhi, Sheikh Kabu Lule, has issued a compelling plea to the judiciary in Uganda, urging them to accelerate the process of dispensing justice for swift and effective outcomes.

During the commemoration of Eid-AL-Adduha at Kirigime Mosque in Kabale municipality, Kabale district, Lule voiced his deep concern regarding protracted court cases.

He underscored the widely recognized maxim, “Justice delayed is justice denied,” and implored for expeditious resolutions to mitigate the burgeoning backlog of cases.

As a result, he says that the problem has created a huge inconvenience of delayed justice among the affected people.  He calls upon the government through the judiciary to put in means of addressing the problem.

Moreover, Lule vehemently denounced acts of terrorism and murder, emphatically stating their inherent contradiction with the fundamental principles of Islam.

He ardently affirmed that Islam unequivocally rejects violence perpetrated in the name of religion, as the sacredness of life is an exclusive prerogative bestowed solely by Allah.

In addition, the Kadhi beseeched the government to institute regulatory measures to curb the burgeoning proliferation of unregulated soft drinks in the market, underscoring the imperative of safeguarding public health and welfare.

Furthermore, Lule appealed to the Muslim populace in the district to accord paramount importance to the education of their progeny. He underscored the pivotal role of education in ensuring continued relevance and active participation within their respective communities.


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