A police officer who allegedly shot dead an Indian money lender has been charged and sent on remand to Luzira prison by Buganda Road Magistrates Court.
Police Constable Wabwire Ivan today morning appeared before Chief Magistrate Sarah Tusiime Bashaija who read to him murder charges.
However, Tusiime did not allow Wabwire to say anything about the capital offense which attracts a maximum penalty of death upon conviction which is only tried and bailable by the High Court.
Prosecution led by Buganda Road Resident State Attorney, Joan Keko assisted by Ivan Kyazze informed the court that investigations into the matter are in advanced stages as medics ascertain the Wabwire’s mental health status.
It is alleged that on May 12, 2023, at Rajja Chambers along Parliamentary Avenue in Kampala with malice aforethought unlawfully killed Uttam Bhandari Saremal.
He has been ordered to return to court on June 7, 2023, as investigations continue.