By Obed Kankiriho

The Minister for Education and Sports, Janet Kataaha Museveni, has assured Kabale National Teachers College students that the government will soon resolve the issue of their graduation.

In May, the students of NTC Kabale petitioned the Parliament of Uganda and the Ministry of Education and Sports, demanding the release of their results and graduation.

These students had been admitted to the college as diploma students in 2019 and were supposed to graduate in 2021. However, they have been facing delays as their results and graduation have not been processed.

Addressing the concern, the Minister of Education, in a message read by David Bahati, the State Minister for Trade confirmed that the government is actively working to expedite the graduation process for these students.

Friday, David Bahati represented the First Lady at the commissioning of infrastructure and the official closure of the Teacher Training Education (TTE) Project.

The TTE Project, which began in October 2016, aimed to enhance secondary teacher education by providing colleges with better infrastructure, digitalization tools, efficient management practices, and safe learning environments.

 Under the TTE Project, Enabel, a Belgian Development Agency, facilitated infrastructural works worth Ushs29.2bn at National Teachers’ College (NTC)-Kabale and NTC Mubende.

The project was also implemented in other National Teachers’ Colleges, including Kabale, Kaliro, Mubende, Muni, and Unyama, with a focus on strengthening the professional competencies of teacher trainers and future teachers.

Additionally, the TTE Project emphasized the adoption of environmentally friendly renewable energy resources to reduce the carbon footprint.

The Minister’s message reiterated the Education Ministry’s commitment to resolving the graduation issues faced by the last batch of NTC diploma students.


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1 Comment

  • Nkuuwe Shafik


    We are just waiting for the results but our guardians are scared whether we completed.

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