The Kanungu district resident commissioner Ambrose Mwesigye Amanyire has appealed to non-government organizations working in Batwa communities to find better ways of packaging and selling the Batwa culture to the tourists without exploiting and distorting their culture which violates their human rights.
Mwesigye was yesterday meeting NGOs working with Batwa and other stakeholders at the Bwindi visitor’s information Centre in Kanungu district.
He called upon these organizations to empower the Batwa to initiate their own self-sustaining projects which will transform their lives
He however condemned the the Batwa people for spending all their earnings on alcohol which has left them backward for a long time
Guma Nelson the chief warden of Bwindi Mgahinga conservation area urged the Batwa to create their own groups which will enable them to tap into opportunities in the tourism industry.
He also asked the Batwa to stop illegally accessing the park to collect raw materials and herbal medicines advising them to seek UWA’s guidance and escort to the park
Kanungu district community development officer Ezra Ndizeye asked all organizations working in Kanungu district to follow the 2017 regulations on formation and operationalization of NGOS.
Kabwana Eliphazi a member of the Batwa community says his people are exploited by some organizations for selfish benefits .
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