A report tabled before the Kabale district council this week by the district production, marketing and natural resources committee has revealed that the district is struggling to secure land titles for its land due to limited funding.

The Butanda sub county councilor, Gilbert Niwanganyira, who tabled the report along with the district secretary for production, Marketing and natural resources, Ronald Bagamuhunda said the 10 million shillings allocated to the department each year facilitates the processing of only two land titles yet the district needs to process more than two titles each financial year.

Without revealing the exact amount of untitled land, Bagamuhunda said more than 50 percent of the district land is not titled, putting it at risk of being grabbed or encroached on.

The Kabale district speaker, Flavia Kanagizi directed Bagamuhunda to liaise with the Natural resources Department to come up with a list of both titled and untitled government lands in the next council sitting, to guide the council on how to mobilize funds towards obtaining land titles.


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