There was drama in Sheema on Monday afternoon as the district Deputy RDC Sam Orikunda arrested the head teacher of Kyabandara Madrasat primary school.
Aminah Nantongo was arrested by police on orders of the Sheema District deputy RDC on allegations of chasing pupils for failure to pay school dues.
The school is located in Kyabandara ward, Sheema Central Division in Sheema Municipality.
According to the information, Nantongo chased 50 pupils from the school to go home for school fees which forced the deputy resident district commissioner to intervene.
Orikunda said pupils have been paying a lot of money between 40,000 to 200,000 shillings yet the president directed schools not to chase any pupil for failure to pay school fees.
He wondered why the head teacher has been sending pupils home for fees yet the school’s performance has been poor in recent years.
He said since 2015, the school has got only two pupils with first-grade warning head teachers in the District who are chasing pupils, to stop or be arrested.