The Bishop of the Diocese of Kinkizi, Rt Rev Dan Zoreka has disclosed that his Diocese intends to partner with the Diocese of North Karamoja to support it in Mission, capacity building and establishment of development projects to support its self sustainability.

In a media interview this morning, Bishop Zoreka said that his assessment of the situation in North Karamoja is that the Diocese is lagging behind and needs support by other Dioceses that have taken steps in development and mission.

“Networking and collaboration by sending missionary teams and inviting their leaders to our diocese for learning best practices and benchmarking is the best way to go.” Bishop Zoreka said.

Asked about the source of his motivation to support, he said, “I was motivated by seeing the situation at hand and my recent visit to the diocese for consecration and enthronement of Bishop Simon Aisu brought a real experience that the situation in the Diocese calls for urgent attention.”

Bishop Zoreka expressed optimism that his Diocese is able to lend a hand to the needy Diocese and highlighted key areas where it will support.

“The form of support in the partnership could be; Material / tangible resources e.g, money, food, clothes etc, inviting their staff to see and learn what our diocese is doing, supporting in training their leaders and sending our teams with resources for missionary work in Karamoja.” Bishop Zoreka said.

Asked about how other Dioceses can directly support the Diocese, Bishop Zoreka said, “Dioceses can make partnerships with specific parishes e.g the 37 Dioceses can share the Parishes in both Karamoja and North Karamoja Dioceses in order to measure impact on intervention.”

He added, “My passionate appeal is that all able Dioceses should willingly come on board to support our brothers and sisters in Karamoja region. Read Romans.15:1-2.”

Asked about what his brother Bishops can do to transform Karamoja, Bishop Zoreka said, “The house of Bishops must make a resolution regarding other dioceses that have taken strides in development to support Karamoja. Appeals should be made to all Churches especially during the Lent season to help Karamoja region.”

North Karamoja Diocese covers Kotido, Karenga, Kaabong and Abim Districts. The Diocese of Kinkizi covers Kanungu District.


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