The Chief Justice Alophonse Owinyi Dollo has cautioned Ugandans against fueling corruption by tempting court workers with bribes.
He was yesterday addressing court workers and heads of the districts of Rukungiri, Kanungu, and Ntungamo who receive legal services uthe nder Rukungiri Chief Magistrates Court.

The chief justice was conducting a familiarisation tour of Rukungiri Court.
He  noted that a few wrong members  of the Judiciary may be tempted by court users but over 98 percent are free from corruption and cautioned the court users to seek free and fair justice.

He added that they aim at increasing the facilities and Magistrates to ensure no cases exceed 12 months without judgment.

The Rukungiri district probation officer Tumusimire Jeniffer welcomed the chief Justice saying his visit will improve the standards of service delivery and appealed to him for a juvenile remand home in the district which is a demanding challenge.
The Rukungiri Chief Magistrate, Her worship Mbabazi Mary Edith applauded the chief justice for assessing the performance of Rukungiri magistrates court and interacting with the users  


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