By Derrick Ampereza
The bishop of North Kigezi diocese Rt Rev Onesimus Asiimwe on Sunday ordained 16 deacons at Emmanuel Cathedral Kinyasano in Rukungiri district. This was his first time to hold an ordnation service since his Consecration as the bishop of the North Kigezi diocese n 12th march 2023.
While officiating the ordination service, the bishop said that he is optimistic to find that he has ordained his firstborns whom he has charged to serve God with all their hearts.
Bishop Asiimwe has urged the ordinands to “put first things first” referring to Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the Kingdom of God and his Righteousness saying this will help them in their new journey in Christ.
All deacons took the oath in front of the bishop and accepted to do their work as canon laws say by the guidance of the holy spirit.
Rev Can Capt Titus Baraka the director of Words of Hope in the church of Uganda who was the head of the Ordinands’ retreat, asked the newly ordained priests to respect their calling and asked the Christians to always respect God’s chosen people.
He added that being ordained is not a joke but a blessing therefore they should portray God’s image as God’s servants in places they will be posted to.
Rev Canon Baraka, warned the newly ordained priests and deacons against being over-ambitious as they serve in the church but focus on serving the lord by desisting the evil activities that may bring them trouble.
The Ordinands are, Benson Amanya, Hanington Taremwa, Elias Niwagaba, Faith Ampumuza, Isabella Natwijuka, Edinah Arinaitwe, Alfred Murangira, Bitambo Denis, David Twongyeirwe, Edson Nabaasa, Martin Owoyesigire, Richard Kwehangana, Godfrey Byaruhanga, James Twongyeirwe, Bornan Mugiire, and Fred Kweringa.
Of the sixteen deacons, ten hold a Certificate in Theology from Canon Ndimbirwe Bible College Kyamakanda, two have a diploma in Theology from Bishop Barham University Kabale, while four hold a Bachelor’s degree in Divinity and of these, three are from Bishop Barham University Kabale whereas one is from Uganda Christian University Mukono.
Some of the ordinands expressed their happiness after being ordained to serve God after spending two years waiting for the day.
Hon Naboth Namanya the Rubabo county legislator who was present at the function congratulated the new deacons and asked them to cooperate with the government for the development of the communities and the church.