Three people are confirmed to have drowned   in the flooded river Rwizi in Mbarara city south division Mbarara city as they were trying to cross using a canoe at around 8:00 pm yesterday evening.

The fatal incident was confirmed by the chairperson LC1 Karugangama cell Katete ward Nyamitanga Mbarara city south division Jaffar Mpiima who said he received information but could not go to the scene because it was already dark.

The fatal accident occurred in Nyakaizi cell where there is an   abandoned bridge project that was half constructed over 30 years ago

Earlier in the morning the Speaker Mbarara city council Mr Bonny Tashobya Karutsya had visited Kanyeite Bridge where he advised the people not to use canoes which are not safe.

The speaker Mbarara city Mbarara city council Tashobya Bonny said embarrassing to find people using canoes as the means of transport.


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