By Our reporter


Police in Kanungu is investigating circumstances under which a  primary six pupil  died at a sand mining site in Butogota town council 

Elly Maate the Kigezi Regional Police Spokesperson identified the deceased as Bosco Turyatunga 13., primary six pupil and a resident of  Kanyabuhama cell, Eastern ward, Butogota Town council Kanungu district.

ASP Maate told journalists that on 24/09/22 at around mid day while the deceased was trying to carry sand from the sand mining site a heap of sand collapsed on him killing him instantly.

The colleague with whom he was with, only identified as Justus  Twongirwe  aged approximately 14 sustained minor injuries and rushed to a nearby  clinic.

Police was notified, visited the crime scene, and obtained relevant statements from eye witness.


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