Pentecostal church leaders in Mbarara city have applauded the government and parliament in particular for passing the anti-homosexuality bill.

Bishop Nassan Ibrahim Turyamureeba of daystar cathedral ministries says he is happy with parliament for   passing the bill adding that Uganda will never accommodate homosexuality  

Bishop Nassan Ibrahim appealed to teachers to take a stand against homosexuality and never accept any form of financial support to corrupt sexual orientation.

Pastor Katambara Abel of Kiswahili Full Gospel Church requested the government to provide the spiritual church leaders with free airtime on radios and television stations to mobilise and sensitize the public against homosexuality.

Pastor Edith Kyambade of Mbarara Christian Fellowship Church also thanked the members of parliament for passing the bill and asked the president to assent to it as soon as possible.

Pastor Willy Tumwine of Holy Spirit Fire Church Mbarara says as Pentecostal spiritual church leaders they don’t hate homosexuals instead they are telling them to repent as they preach to night dancers, and thieves among other criminals.

Pastor Devis Arijuna the Overseer for National Fellowship of Born-Again Pentecostal churches for Greater Mbarara called upon the people not to be misled with money due to poverty.


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