The Kabale police are currently investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of Martin Muhereza, a 22-year-old casual laborer residing in Nyarugorogoro village, Kitanga parish, Kashambya sub-county, Rukiga district.
On the 15th of November 2023, at approximately 08:30 hrs, the Deputy Criminal Investigations Officer (D/CID/O) for Kabale, Detective Superintendent (D/SP) Mukama Hakim, received information about an unidentified deceased male found in Kirigime central cell, Kirigime ward, southern division, Kabale municipality.
A murder report was filed, and the crime scene was visited by the Homicide team from Kabale, with the Crime Scene Officer (D/SOCO) led by D/CID/O, D/SP Mukama Hakim. The scene was examined, and details were documented.
It was determined that the victim had allegedly been killed by a mob. Various exhibits, including flat shoes and stones with suspected bloodstains, were recovered from the scene. The body was identified by relatives as Muhereza Martin and was subsequently retrieved and taken to the mortuary for a postmortem examination.
Several suspects, whose details are being withheld to protect the integrity of the investigation, have been apprehended and are currently in police custody to aid in the ongoing investigation.
Inquiries are actively being pursued in order to shed light on the circumstances surrounding the tragic incident.