Kabale District Local Government posted a performance of 107percent in the 2021/2022 financial year.
This was yesterday revealed by the Kabale District LC5 Chairperson, Nelson Nshangabasheija while delivering his State of the District Address, during a council sitting to conclude the Fiscal year, which was held at the District Rukiiko hall.
Nshangabasheija, observed that the District realized shillings 45,582,198,695 out of the projected annual budget of shillings 42,420,947,000, representing a 107% performance.
He attributed the overperformance to supplementary Budgets for Covid-19 emergency response Funds, Accelerated Covid 19 Funds, Mass Polio Vaccination Campaign Funds, and Wages for Health Workers which was not budgeted for in the FY 2021/22 Budget.
However, Nshangabasheija, observed that the District has utilized UGX 38,307,375,699, which is 84% utilization Capacity of the Total Received Funds.
He adds that the unspent funds, are staff Salaries for the month of June and Funds for ongoing Capital Projects, which will be utilized before the closure of the Financial Year.
However, Nshangabasheija, says that the district faced several challenges, such as disasters like heavy rains during the month of April that disrupted road maintenance works, led to loss of lives, crop gardens and displacement of people as well as delays in the execution of Capital projects by some Contractors.
Others are, high crime rate related to domestic violence, land wrangles, defilement, child neglect/abandonment, child labour, drug and alcohol abuse and murder, not forgetting the declining revenue base, where the District was able to only collect/realize
39.4% and money lenders, who charge borrowers high-interest rates and end up taking over their property, hence leaving them homeless, while others are forced to abandon their families.
Nshangabasheija also noted that the ongoing teachers’ industrial action over salary increments, has affected the learning process, as
learners in Government aided schools have been forced to remain at home.