The minister of information Communications technology and national guidance who also doubles as the Kinkiizi east legislator   Dr Chris Baryomunsi has assured the people of the Kanungu district that the issues that have beset Great Lakes regional University will soon be resolved since they have already been brought to the attention of the president and the minister of education  

He was yesterday officiating at a belated Kanungu district liberation day ceremony that took place at Kihihi high school playground in Kihihi town council Kanungu district.

Baryomunsi asked people of Kanungu to leave alone the deputy RDC Gad Rugaju who is being accused of violating court orders concerning great lakes regional university by  Hamlet Kabushenga to regain ownership because he acted on the orders from court and IGP  saying his office  was  informed and had copies of letters. 

 He advised students not to be involved in issues that do not concern them but instead focus on their main role which is studying but not fighting wars over the ownership of the University

At the same function, Honest Kansiime Mugisha the Former Kanungu woman MP aspirant on the FDC Ticket crossed to the NRM party  

She was yesterday welcomed to the party by the NRM vice chairperson for western region  Hon. Baryomunsi.

Kansiime said she crossed to the NRM party because it is a mass party and was convinced by   various NRM leaders both at a district and national level.

 According to the Kanungu district NRM executive committee, the party welcomed 106 supporters who crossed from FDC to NRM recently.


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