Illegal fishing gear worth 17 million shillings is to be destroyed at Rwenshama landing site on lake Edward in Bwambara sub-county Rukungiri district.

The Rukungiri district officials led by the chief administrative officer Hajji Masokonyi Waswa  this week  burnt illegal nets worth 4 million   at Rweshama landing site as they look forward to burning more as operations continue

The illegal fishing gear includes spark nets which fishermen buy from the Democratic Republic of Congo and undersized nets  

Masokoyi warned fishermen at Rweshama landing site who cross to The democratic republic of Congo to buy illegal fishing gear  that if  caught, they  will be dealt with accordingly because the practice  is affecting the fishing industry in Uganda

He asked the fisheries protection unit to play their role to ensure that bad fishing habits are eradicated at  Rweshama landing site  

 The Rukungiri deputy resident district commissioner, Wilberforce Ahimbisibwe Ongom said there is an urgent need to sensitize fishermen on Rweshama landing site about the dangers of bad fishing habits.

He advises the fishermen to always buy the recommended nets if they want to  benefit from  fishing  

 Maj Steven Arituha the Fisheries protection unit commander at lake Edward says since  100 boats operating at Rweshama landing site have licenses, it will be easy to identify criminals who have continued to use illegal fishing gear because it was previously hard to identify the owner of the vessel numbers.


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