Police in Rukungiri are investigating the circumstances under which an unidentified body of a male adult aged around 28 years was found in a banana plantation belonging to Kyamakanda Senior Secondary School at Matebe village, Kyamakanda Ward, Buyanja Town Council, Rukungiri district.
The Rukungiri DPC SP Musa Tibakirana explains that on 05 Jun 22 at around 04:00 AM, a noisy crowd was heard along the Munabi Murram Road in Buyanja Town Council.
Around midnight of the same day, an unidentified body of a male adult was discovered lying in an adjacent banana plantation.
Tibakirana says the body was found half-naked in a plantation near the road at an approximated distance of around 50 meters from Kyamakanda School Main gate with multiple injuries suspected to have been caused by blunt objects that were used during assault.
He explains that the scene of the crime was visited and documented by a team of detectives led by the District CID officer and other personnel.
The body was conveyed to Rwakabengo Health Center III for Post mortem to ascertain the actual cause of the death.
Tibakirana says Clothes like Jean trousers and a black jacket were recovered with blood stains near the Kyamakanda School fence.
He says inquiries into the matter are ongoing #crime #mob