Police in Rukungiri are investigating circumstances under which 37-year-old Rahab Turinawe, a casual laborer and resident of Katwekamwe cell Rwentondo ward Eastern division Rukungiri district, was allegedly murdered and clandestinely buried by his own family members.

It’s alleged that on 2/12/2022, at around 6:00 PM, the deceased left home to the garden to plant trees, an activity which is normally done in the evening, but he never returned,

Maate explains that it was until 13/12/2022 when the wife identified as Annah Twijukye 36 years reported a case of disappearance at Rukungiri central police station

Later, the actions of the biological mother of the deceased Barekura Annah 70 years, and her other sons identified as Kasiime, Nabaasa Dickson and Kanyesigye Allan who immediately fled the village having sold a number of their belongings prompted the residents to suspect that they could have murdered the deceased considering their previous land conflicts.

A search was mounted by the residents until 14/12/2022 at around 6:30PM when freshly dug soil was discovered at a stone quarry surrounded by a eucalyptus plantation belonging to one of the brothers Nabaasa Dickson.

Upon digging to find out what could have been buried there, residents recovered the decomposing body of the deceased that was, naked and wrapped in a sack and notified police at Rukungiri CPS.

Scene was visited by the Rukungiri homicide team and documented, body was identified by the relatives and conveyed to Rwakabengo Health center Ill for postmortem.

Inquiries at hand as well as hunting for suspects so that are brought to book.


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