The South Ankole Diocese Bishop Rt Rev Nathan Ahimbisibwe has urged Ugandans to prepare their gardens early for the coffee planting as the next season which starts in September gets closer.

 Bishop Ahimbisibwe said that a good farmer doesn’t wait for the rain but rather starts early such that rain can find them already with enough gardens.

 He advised them to embrace coffee planting and save for coffee seedlings saying that one acre of coffee can yield between 7M- 14M shillings per annum.

Bishop Ahimbisibwe made remarks on Monday morning while leading a team of volunteers to harvest coffee beans at a Diocesan coffee plantation measuring 23 acres at Kyamate Hill Ntungamo Municipality.

He noted that the Diocesan coffee plantation which was three years old for the first harvest has already yielded 61 bags of dried coffee to the tune of 31M and they are still harvesting.

Bishop Ahimbisibwe expressed happiness for the volunteers through public notices who come to support him to harvest the coffee and he is still mobilizing others to come for the same.

The volunteers who turned up were Rev Can Arthur Twinamatsiko the Diocesan secretary, Rev Can Yokana Nyebikira the Diocesan Missioner, Mothers Union president Rita Nyiramugisha among others who commended the bishop for the initiative saying that this will help them to do the same at the parish level and in their families.


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