Leaders, educationists and school heads have expressed concern over increasing prices of food items and other scholastic materials in the face of reducing support by government to the schools.

The school heads say it’s hard to break even with the current cost of basic necessities and schools must raise school fees to meet the surging cost if they are to end the term on a good note

Speaking on Saturday at the parents and teachers’ association meeting at Kyamate secondary school, the head master Emmanuel Arinaitwe who also heads the district secondary schools head teachers association said the schools may be forced to close midterm if the prices for basic items like laboratory equipment, food, chalk, paper, fuel and other items don’t go down.

The municipal education officer Gordon Nabasa said the challenge was affecting all schools, secondary, primary and institutions calling for parents support to schools.

The Ntungamo resident district commissioner Mucunguzi Godfrey called on schools not to over increase school dues as parents are equally affected by increasing prices of commodities.

He however asked parents to come in and support schools to make ends meet.

The PTA meeting chaired by Mr Mande Mabale resolved to increase the PTA support to the school with each students to pay more UShs 50000 an addition to this term school fees. The school now numbers to over 1700 students. #commdityprices #inflation #wearebroke



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