The Ntungamo district Lc5 Boss Samuel Rwakigoba Mucunguzi has summoned his Secretary for Finance Naboth Mpirirwe to his office to explain extortions allegations against him
A letter dated 25th July 2022 from the office of the district chairman indicates that Mpirirwe extorted shillings 3 million from Barungi Anna a daughter to Aggripina Kebirungi a resident of Rubare town, under the pretext of getting her a job
Mucunguzi accused Mpiriirwe of extorting the money to reportedly facilitate the recruitment of Barungi as an assistant Nursing officer in the last recruitment exercise, an act that contravenes the leadership code act 2002
Mucunguzi has ordered Mpiriirwe to report to his office tomorrow Wednesday for further discussions to avoid embarrassment
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